If you are trying to quit smoking then you are in the right place. I was once an addict, so I know how it feels when trying to quit. I will give you guidelines on how I was able to stop smoking. Just keep reading.
Withdrawing from smoking is one of the worst addictions recoveries among others on earth. But its always good quitting these bad habits. Some people still moralize smoking out of ignorance. What is bad is bad, you don't have to carve out lies to make it look good or moral. Let's deal with our Addiction. We all have different reasons why we started smoking, so I will give you guidelines that will help you quit no matter how you started.
1, Make up your mind
Firstly, you have to make up your mind that you are going to quit smoking. One mistake a lot of people make most times is that they always set a day that they will quit smoking but it doesn't work that way. If you are trying to quit and you set a day out for it, you will keep on smoking till that day and will even have a greater urge to smoke on that day, thereby breaking the date and you will now have to set a new date which leads to you slowly going back to smoking. So don't set a date. As you reading this right now, I want you to make up your mind now that you will stop henceforth, starting from this minute.
2. Eradicate Triggers
Secondly, if you really want to stop smoking, you should know what triggers you to smoke mostly, or what emotions make you smoke or even an environment you know you can't stay there without smoking. Find your triggers and do away with it. If your friends or family is what triggers you to smoke then tell them about your intentions and beg them to stop smoking close to you. Learn to keep your distance away from your triggers.
3. Make cigarettes or any kind of smoke and smoking equipment as unavailable as possible.
To make all these efforts not be in vain, you have to do away with every smoke in your house. I know sometimes we find it hard to give other people or trash away our cigarettes but you have to do it. Just cut and throw away every cigarette, marijuana, or whatever you smoke. also, make sure you throw away the smoke ashtray and every other smoking equipment in your house including lighters and match sticks. Become a new person.
4. Know your Temptations and do away with them
Most of you may think the temptations are equivalent or the same thing as your TRIGGERS but you are wrong. Your triggers give you the urge to smoke while your temptation is what brings or the trigger the availability of smoke. Most of us only smoke when we have the money to buy. So this makes us always want to buy smokes whenever we have MONEY on us. so if you are still a teenager living under the roof of your parents then you can tackle this one. all you have to do is to intensionally go broke by giving your money, credit cards, or any source of your income to a trusted person and tell them why you are giving it to them so they can make money unavailable to you for a specified period of time maybe a month or two. BUT MAKE SURE YOU LET THEM KNOW THEY CAN GIVE YOU MONEY ONLY WHEN YOU HAVE SPECIAL OR URGENT WITH REASONABLE NEED FOR IT. while for the adults among us, you just have to depend on yourself control to tackle this one.
5. Find an alternative to smoking
Finding an alternative to smoke depends on why you started smoking or what makes you smoke. most of us smoke for fun, some others to battle depression, some others smoke to relieve stress after work, some other smoke when on the phone call. while some smoke immediately after having a meal.
A. For fun - If you smoke for fun then you can tackle this one by knowing your hobbies or developing a new hobby. do something you find passion doing like reading, writing, biking, hiking, or whatever you find fun doing.
B. Depression - If you are the type who smokes for depression then you should first remove the belief that smoking helps kill depression because it's not true. It is only killing you more and pretending to be helping. To tackle this category you have to be more engaging with activities that you find passion doing. whenever you are down and feel like smoking just Don't give yourself time to think, talk with people around you, go for long walks, and try meditation. If you are battling with depression so much then I advice you to join my email private class, I will help you overcome depression. To join simply email me at - rexworlddomain@gmail.com.
C. Stress - For those who smoke just to relieve stress. all you have to do is finding a means to relax after work like meditation, listening to music, and sleeping or napping.
6. Give your mouth something to chew on
You will crave for a smoke because your mouth is already used to having a stick in it. so before you embark on this journey of quitting smoke, just make sure you stock up your house with products like sugarless gum or hard candy, or munch on raw carrots, celery, nuts or sunflower seeds. But I would strongly recommend you stock up with more sweets or bubble gums with menthol flavor, they are more effective in beating the smoke craving spirit.
7. Fight the urge and keep going stronger
Build up your confidence and inner strength. Just keep the belief and motivation strong. You can't beat this bad habit of smoking if you don't trust yourself to stop. Your power to overcome any addiction lies in your mind. Make sure of your mind's power to be able to beat the urge of smoking. You might be tempted to have just one cigarette to satisfy the urge when it comes. But don't deceive yourself into believing that you can stop there. More often than not, having just one leads to another— and you may end up going back to the bad habit of smoking.
Remember, trying something to beat the urge is always better than doing nothing. And each time you resist the urge of smoking, you're one step closer to being totally smoke-free.
For coaching email me at rexworlddomain@gmail.com
I'm here to help
contact info - rexworlddomain@gmail.com
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