Every thing you need to know about Masturbation.
What comes to your mind when you hear the word masturbation?
when i was still about 13 years old, i didn't know what masturbation was all about.
Well, for those of you who dont know what is masturbation, i will explain it for you..
Masturbation is the sexual stimulation of one's own genitals for sexual arousal or other sexual pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation may involve hands, fingers, everyday objects, sex toys such as vibrators, or combinations of these. { according to wikipedia}.
Let me still break it down for those who still dont understand... Masturbation is the acting of using things like cream, soaps, vibrator or other objects to sex or fuck yourself to orgasm.That is for men, using the aid or their hands with soap to jeck off till they cum...
Is Masturbation healthy?
If you search this particular question on other platforms, they will all tell you that Masturbation is healthy. But for me, Masturbation is not healthy especially when addicted to it..
Reasons why Masturbation is unhealthy..
1. As a teenager when you learn how to masturbate, you wont be able to focus on studies, your mind will just be based on wanking or masturbating all the time. It will seem to you as if your brain is spinning, there will be no focus on anything else.
2. Excessive Masturbation can strain the veins in your manhood, causing an excessive flow and uncontrollable urinating. { i was once a victim}.
3. As a lady have you ever thought about what bacterials in the objects you insert into your private part can cause? lets take for example, you are the type who don't have the money for vibrator and you decided using other available objects for masturbation, forgetting that those objects are not well fertile or pure to be inserted into the virginia.. The Female private part should be highly protected against bacterials to avoid infections..
Apart from the health aspect of the effects of Masturbation, there are also many reasons why you should stop it. Below are few of them.
1. Masturbation or wanking is a time waster. Have you ever taught about that precious time you were in the Bathroom busying wasting time in masturbating, do you know that you could have used that time for something more beneficial to your future? Your parents or friends may be waiting for you to done bathing so you could be at somewhere early, and you would end up going late all because you went to take a little shower and ending up masturbating in there.
2. Masturbation causes you to loose sight in girls and both in boys, because you masturbate you may stop feeling the need of being in a relationship...
3. Masturbation causes set back in life, you may not believe this. Masturbation is a demonic activity, believe it or not. i have been seeing posts on Facebook saying masturbation is satanic but i never believed until when i finally stopped masturbation and everything in my life started moving fine once again.
WONDERING HOW I OVERCOMED MASTURBATION? if you want to learn how to stop masturbation then Visit this blog tomorrow for help on how to stop masturbation..
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